hellosign_sdk.resource package


hellosign_sdk.resource.account module

class hellosign_sdk.resource.account.Account(jsonstr=None, key=None, warnings=None)

Bases: hellosign_sdk.resource.resource.Resource

Contains information about an account and its settings.


account_id (str): The id of the Account

email_address (str): The email address associated with the Account

is_paid_hs (bool) : If the user has a paid HelloSign license will return true

is_paid_hf (bool): If the user has a paid HelloFax license will return true

quotas (dict) : An object detailing remaining monthly quotas, which has the following attributes: templates_left (int): API templates remaining api_signature_requests_left (int): API signature requests remaining

callback_url (str): The URL that HelloSign events will be POSTed to

role_code (str): The membership role for the team.
a = Admin, m = Member d = Developer

To print the account_id

>>> from hsclient import HSClient
>>> client = HSClient()
>>> account = client.get_account_info()
>>> print account.account_id

hellosign_sdk.resource.embedded module

class hellosign_sdk.resource.embedded.Embedded(jsonstr=None, key=None, warnings=None)

Bases: hellosign_sdk.resource.resource.Resource

An object that contains necessary information to set up embedded signing.


sign_url (str): URL of the signature page to display in the embedded iFrame

expires_at (str): When the link expires

hellosign_sdk.resource.resource module

class hellosign_sdk.resource.resource.Resource(jsonstr=None, key=None, warnings=None)

Bases: object

An abstract class to represent some objects used by our SDK such as Account, SignatureRequest, Template, Team, UnclaimedDraft, Embedded. These objects share the same way of storing data.

Information and settings are stored physically in self.json_data, and can be retrieved by using the OOP way.

INTERNALS = ['json_data', 'warnings']

Return the list of warnings associated with this object, or None if there aren’t any

json_data = None
warnings = None

hellosign_sdk.resource.template module

class hellosign_sdk.resource.template.Template(jsonstr=None, key=None, warnings=None)

Bases: hellosign_sdk.resource.resource.Resource

Contains information about the templates you and your team have created


template_id (str): The id of the Template

title (str): The title of the Template which will also be the default subject of the message sent to signers when using this Template to send a SignatureRequest.

message (str): The default message that will be sent to signers when using this Template to send a SignatureRequest.

signer_roles (list of dict): An array of the designated signer roles that must be specified when sending a SignatureRequest using this Template.

name (str): The name of the Role order (int): If signer order is assigned this is the 0-based index for this role

cc_roles (list of dict): An array of the designated CC roles that must be specified when sending a SignatureRequest using this Template.

name (str): The name of the Role

documents (list of dict): An array describing each document associated with this Template. Includes form field data for each document.

name (str): Name of the associated file index (int): Document ordering, the lowest index is diplayed first

and the highest last
form_fields (list of dict): An array of Form Field objects

containing the name and type of each named textbox and checkmark field.

api_id (str): A unique id for the form field name (str): The name of the form field type (str): The type of this form field x (int): The horizontal offset in pixels for this form field y (int): The vertical offset in pixels for this form field width (int): The width in pixels of this form field height (int): The height in pixels of this form field required (bool): Boolean showing whether or not this field is

custom_fields (list of dict): An array of Custom Field objects

containing the name and type of each custom field

name (str): The name of the Custom Field type (str): The type of this Custom Field. Currently, ‘text’ is

the only valid value
named_form_fields (DEPRECATED): Use “form_fields” under the
“documents” array instead.

accounts (list of dict): An array of the Accounts that can use this Template.

account_id (str): The id of the Account email_address (str): The email address associated with the Account
is_creator (bool): True if you are the owner of this template, false if
it’s been shared with you by a team member.
can_edit (bool): Indicates whether edit rights have been granted to you
by the owner (always true if that’s you).

edit_url (str): Returned when creating a new embedded draft

expires_at (int): Date when the edit_url expires

hellosign_sdk.resource.signature_request module

class hellosign_sdk.resource.signature_request.SignatureRequest(jsonstr=None, key=None, warnings=None)

Bases: hellosign_sdk.resource.resource.Resource

Contains information regarding documents that need to be signed

Comprises the following attributes:

test_mode (bool): Whether this is a test signature request. Test requests have no legal value. Defaults to False.

signature_request_id (str): The id of the SignatureRequest

requester_email_address (str): The email address of the initiator of the SignatureRequest

title (str): The title the specified Account uses for the SignatureRequest

subject (str): The subject in the email that was initially sent to the signers

message (str): The custom message in the email that was initially sent to the signers

is_complete (bool): Whether or not the SignatureRequest has been fully executed by all signers

has_error (bool): Whether or not an error occurred (either during the creation of the SignatureRequest or during one of the signings)

files_url (str): The URL where a copy of the request’s documents can be downloaded

signing_url (str): The URL where a signer, after authenticating, can sign the documents

details_url (str): The URL where the requester and the signers can view the current status of the SignatureRequest

cc_email_addresses (list): A list of email addresses that were CCed on
the SignatureRequest. They will receive a copy of the final PDF once all the signers have signed

signing_redirect_url (str): The URL you want the signer redirected to after they successfully sign

custom_fields (list of dict): An array of Custom Field objects

containing the name and type of each custom field

name (str): The name of the Custom Field type (str): The type of this Custom Field. Currently, text and checkmark are the only valid values

response_data (list of dict): An array of form field objects containing

the name, value, and type of each textbox or checkmark field filled in by the signers

api_id (str): The unique ID for this field signature_id (str): The ID of the signature to which this response is linked name (str): The name of the form field value (str): The value of the form field type (str): The type of this form field

signatures (list of dict): An array of signature objects, 1 for each signer

signature_id (str): Signature identifier signer_email_address (str): The email address of the signer signer_name (str): The name of the signer order (str): If signer order is assigned this is the 0-based index for this signer status_code (str): The current status of the signature. eg: awaiting_signature, signed, on_hold signed_at (str): Time that the document was signed or null last_viewed_at (str): The time that the document was last viewed by this signer or null last_reminded_at (str): The time the last reminder email was sent to the signer or null has_pin (bool): Boolean to indicate whether this signature requires a PIN to access
find_response_component(api_id=None, signature_id=None)

Find one or many repsonse components.


api_id (str): Api id associated with the component(s) to be retrieved.

signature_id (str): Signature id associated with the component(s) to be retrieved.

A list of dictionaries containing component data
find_signature(signature_id=None, signer_email_address=None)

Return a signature for the given parameters


signature_id (str): Id of the signature to retrieve. signer_email_address (str): Email address of the associated signer for the signature to retrieve.
A Signature object or None

hellosign_sdk.resource.team module

class hellosign_sdk.resource.team.Team(jsonstr=None, key=None, warnings=None)

Bases: hellosign_sdk.resource.resource.Resource

Contains information about your team and its members

Comprises the following attributes:

name (str): The name of your Team

accounts (list of dict): A list of all Accounts belonging to your Team.

Note that this response is a subset of the response parameters found in GET /account.

account_id (str): The id of the Account email_address (str): The email address associated with the Account role_code (str): The membership role for the team.

a = Admin, m = Member d = Developer
invited_accounts (str): A list of all Accounts that have an outstanding

invitation to join your Team. Note that this response is a subset of the response parameters found in GET /account.

account_id (str): The id of the Account email_address (str): The email address associated with the Account

hellosign_sdk.resource.unclaimed_draft module

class hellosign_sdk.resource.unclaimed_draft.UnclaimedDraft(jsonstr=None, key=None, warnings=None)

Bases: hellosign_sdk.resource.resource.Resource


A group of documents that a user can take ownership of by going to the claim URL

Comprises the following attributes:

claim_url (str): The URL to be used to claim this UnclaimedDraft

signing_redirect_url (str): The URL you want signers redirected to
after they successfully sign.
test_mode (bool): Whether this is a test draft. Signature requests
made from test drafts have no legal value. Defaults to 0.

Module contents