hellosign_sdk package


hellosign_sdk.hsclient module

class hellosign_sdk.hsclient.HSClient(email_address=None, password=None, api_key=None, access_token=None, access_token_type='Bearer', env='production')

Bases: object

Client object to interact with the API urls

Most of the operations of the SDK is made through this object. Please refer to the README.rst file for more details on how to use the client object.

API_URL = ''
add_team_member(account_id=None, email_address=None)

Add or invite a user to your Team


account_id (str): The id of the account of the user to invite to your team.

email_address (str): The email address of the account to invite to your team. The account id prevails if both account_id and email_address are provided.

A Team object
add_user_to_template(template_id, account_id=None, email_address=None)

Gives the specified Account access to the specified Template


template_id (str): The id of the template to give the account access to

account_id (str): The id of the account to give access to the template. The account id prevails if both account_id and email_address are provided.

email_address (str): The email address of the account to give access to.

A Template object

Cancels a SignatureRequest

Cancels a SignatureRequest. After canceling, no one will be able to sign or access the SignatureRequest or its documents. Only the requester can cancel and only before everyone has signed.


signing_request_id (str): The id of the signature request to cancel
create_account(*args, **kwargs)

Make a Resource instance

create_embedded_template_draft(client_id, signer_roles, test_mode=False, files=None, file_urls=None, title=None, subject=None, message=None, cc_roles=None, merge_fields=None, use_preexisting_fields=False)

Creates an embedded Template draft for further editing.


test_mode (bool, optional): Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to 1. Defaults to 0.

client_id (str): Client id of the app you’re using to create this draft.

files (list of str): The file(s) to use for the template.

file_urls (list of str): URLs of the file for HelloSign to use for the template. Use either files or file_urls, but not both.

title (str, optional): The template title

subject (str, optional): The default template email subject

message (str, optional): The default template email message

signer_roles (list of dict): A list of signer roles, each of which has the following attributes:

name (str): The role name of the signer that will be displayed when the template is used to create a signature request. order (str, optional): The order in which this signer role is required to sign.

cc_roles (list of str, optional): The CC roles that must be assigned when using the template to send a signature request

merge_fields (list of dict, optional): The merge fields that can be placed on the template’s document(s) by the user claiming the template draft. Each must have the following two parameters:

name (str): The name of the merge field. Must be unique. type (str): Can only be “text” or “checkbox”.

use_preexisting_fields (bool): Whether to use preexisting PDF fields

A Template object specifying the Id of the draft
create_embedded_unclaimed_draft(test_mode=False, client_id=None, is_for_embedded_signing=False, requester_email_address=None, files=None, file_urls=None, draft_type=None, subject=None, message=None, signers=None, cc_email_addresses=None, signing_redirect_url=None, requesting_redirect_url=None, form_fields_per_document=None, metadata=None, use_preexisting_fields=False)

Creates a new Draft to be used for embedded requesting


test_mode (bool, optional): Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to True. Defaults to False.

client_id (str): Client id of the app used to create the embedded draft.

is_for_embedded_signing (bool, optional): Whether this is also for embedded signing. Defaults to False.

requester_email_address (str): Email address of the requester.

files (list of str): The uploaded file(s) to send for signature.

file_urls (list of str): URLs of the file for HelloSign to download to send for signature. Use either files or file_urls

draft_type (str): The type of unclaimed draft to create. Use “send_document” to create a claimable file, and “request_signature” for a claimable signature request. If the type is “request_signature” then signers name and email_address are not optional.

subject (str, optional): The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers

message (str, optional): The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers

signers (list of dict): A list of signers, which each has the following attributes:

name (str): The name of the signer email_address (str): Email address of the signer order (str, optional): The order the signer is required to sign in

cc_email_addresses (list of str, optional): A list of email addresses that should be CC’d

signing_redirect_url (str, optional): The URL you want the signer redirected to after they successfully sign.

requesting_redirect_url (str, optional): The URL you want the signer to be redirected to after the request has been sent.

form_fields_per_document (str, optional): The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as a serialized JSON data structure which is a list of lists of the form fields. Please refer to the API reference of HelloSign for more details (https://www.hellosign.com/api/reference#SignatureRequest)

metadata (dict, optional): Metadata to associate with the draft

use_preexisting_fields (bool): Whether to use preexisting PDF fields

An UnclaimedDraft object
create_embedded_unclaimed_draft_with_template(test_mode=False, client_id=None, is_for_embedded_signing=False, template_id=None, template_ids=None, requester_email_address=None, title=None, subject=None, message=None, signers=None, ccs=None, signing_redirect_url=None, requesting_redirect_url=None, metadata=None, custom_fields=None)

Creates a new Draft to be used for embedded requesting


test_mode (bool, optional): Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to True. Defaults to False.

client_id (str): Client id of the app you’re using to create this draft. Visit our embedded page to learn more about this parameter.

template_id (str): The id of the Template to use when creating the Unclaimed Draft. Mutually exclusive with template_ids.

template_ids (list of str): The ids of the Templates to use when creating the Unclaimed Draft. Mutually exclusive with template_id.

requester_email_address (str): The email address of the user that should be designated as the requester of this draft, if the draft type is “request_signature.”

title (str, optional): The title you want to assign to the Unclaimed Draft

subject (str, optional): The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers

message (str, optional): The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers

signers (list of dict): A list of signers, which each has the following attributes:

name (str): The name of the signer email_address (str): Email address of the signer

ccs (list of str, optional): A list of email addresses that should be CC’d

signing_redirect_url (str, optional): The URL you want the signer redirected to after they successfully sign.

requesting_redirect_url (str, optional): The URL you want the signer to be redirected to after the request has been sent.

is_for_embedded_signing (bool, optional): The request created from this draft will also be signable in embedded mode if set to True. The default is False.

metadata (dict, optional): Metadata to associate with the draft. Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys, with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 500 characters long.

custom_fields (list of dict, optional): A list of custom fields. Required when a CustomField exists in the Template. An item of the list should look like this: {‘name: value’}

create_team(*args, **kwargs)

Make a Resource instance

create_unclaimed_draft(test_mode=False, files=None, file_urls=None, draft_type=None, subject=None, message=None, signers=None, cc_email_addresses=None, signing_redirect_url=None, form_fields_per_document=None, metadata=None, use_preexisting_fields=False)

Creates a new Draft that can be claimed using the claim URL

Creates a new Draft that can be claimed using the claim URL. The first authenticated user to access the URL will claim the Draft and will be shown either the “Sign and send” or the “Request signature” page with the Draft loaded. Subsequent access to the claim URL will result in a 404. If the type is “send_document” then only the file parameter is required. If the type is “request_signature”, then the identities of the signers and optionally the location of signing elements on the page are also required.


test_mode (bool, optional): Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to True. Defaults to False.

files (list of str): The uploaded file(s) to send for signature

file_urls (list of str): URLs of the file for HelloSign to download to send for signature. Use either files or file_urls

draft_type (str): The type of unclaimed draft to create. Use “send_document” to create a claimable file, and “request_signature” for a claimable signature request. If the type is “request_signature” then signers name and email_address are not optional.

subject (str, optional): The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers

message (str, optional): The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers

signers (list of dict): A list of signers, which each has the following attributes:

name (str): The name of the signer email_address (str): Email address of the signer order (str, optional): The order the signer is required to sign in

cc_email_addresses (list of str, optional): A list of email addresses that should be CC’d

signing_redirect_url (str, optional): The URL you want the signer redirected to after they successfully sign.

form_fields_per_document (str, optional): The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as a serialized JSON data structure which is a list of lists of the form fields. Please refer to the API reference of HelloSign for more details (https://www.hellosign.com/api/reference#SignatureRequest)

metadata (dict, optional): Metadata to associate with the draft

use_preexisting_fields (bool): Whether to use preexisting PDF fields

An UnclaimedDraft object

Deletes the specified template


template_id (str): The id of the template to delete
A status code

Delete your Team

Deletes your Team. Can only be invoked when you have a team with only one member left (yourself).


Get current account information

The information then will be saved in self.account so that you can access the information like this:

>>> hsclient = HSClient()
>>> acct = hsclient.get_account_info()
>>> print acct.email_address
An Account object
get_embedded_object(*args, **kwargs)

Make a Resource instance


Return the warnings associated with the last request

get_oauth_data(code, client_id, client_secret, state)

Get Oauth data from HelloSign


code (str): Code returned by HelloSign for our callback url

client_id (str): Client id of the associated app

client_secret (str): Secret token of the associated app

A HSAccessTokenAuth object
get_signature_request(*args, **kwargs)

Make a Resource instance

get_signature_request_file(signature_request_id, path_or_file=None, file_type=None, filename=None)

Download the PDF copy of the current documents


signature_request_id (str): Id of the signature request

path_or_file (str or file): A writable File-like object or a full path to save the PDF file to.

filename (str): [DEPRECATED] Filename to save the PDF file to. This should be a full path.

file_type (str): Type of file to return. Either “pdf” for a single merged document or “zip” for a collection of individual documents. Defaults to “pdf” if not specified.

True if file is downloaded and successfully written, False otherwise.
get_signature_request_list(*args, **kwargs)

Make a ResourceList instance

get_team_info(*args, **kwargs)

Make a Resource instance

get_template(*args, **kwargs)

Make a Resource instance

get_template_edit_url(*args, **kwargs)

Make a Resource instance

get_template_files(template_id, filename)

Download a PDF copy of a template’s original files


template_id (str): The id of the template to retrieve.

filename (str): Filename to save the PDF file to. This should be a full path.

Returns a PDF file
get_template_list(*args, **kwargs)

Make a ResourceList instance


Refreshes the current access token.

Gets a new access token, updates client auth and returns it.


refresh_token (str): Refresh token to use
The new access token
remind_signature_request(*args, **kwargs)

Make a Resource instance

remove_team_member(account_id=None, email_address=None)

Remove a user from your Team


account_id (str): The id of the account of the user to remove from your team.

email_address (str): The email address of the account to remove from your team. The account id prevails if both account_id and email_address are provided.

A Team object
remove_user_from_template(template_id, account_id=None, email_address=None)

Removes the specified Account’s access to the specified Template


template_id (str): The id of the template to remove the account’s access from.

account_id (str): The id of the account to remove access from the template. The account id prevails if both account_id and email_address are provided.

email_address (str): The email address of the account to remove access from.

An Template object
request = None
response_callback = None
send_signature_request(test_mode=False, files=None, file_urls=None, title=None, subject=None, message=None, signing_redirect_url=None, signers=None, cc_email_addresses=None, form_fields_per_document=None, use_text_tags=False, hide_text_tags=False, metadata=None, ux_version=None)

Creates and sends a new SignatureRequest with the submitted documents

Creates and sends a new SignatureRequest with the submitted documents. If form_fields_per_document is not specified, a signature page will be affixed where all signers will be required to add their signature, signifying their agreement to all contained documents.


test_mode (bool, optional): Whether this is a test, the signature request will not be legally binding if set to True. Defaults to False.

files (list of str): The uploaded file(s) to send for signature

file_urls (list of str): URLs of the file for HelloSign to download to send for signature. Use either files or file_urls

title (str, optional): The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest

subject (str, optional): The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers

message (str, optional): The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers

signing_redirect_url (str, optional): The URL you want the signer redirected to after they successfully sign.

signers (list of dict): A list of signers, which each has the following attributes:

name (str): The name of the signer email_address (str): Email address of the signer order (str, optional): The order the signer is required to sign in pin (str, optional): The 4- to 12-character access code that will secure this signer’s signature page

cc_email_addresses (list, optional): A list of email addresses that should be CC’d

form_fields_per_document (str): The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as a serialized JSON data structure which is a list of lists of the form fields. Please refer to the API reference of HelloSign for more details (https://www.hellosign.com/api/reference#SignatureRequest)

use_text_tags (bool, optional): Use text tags in the provided file(s) to create form fields

hide_text_tags (bool, optional): Hide text tag areas

metadata (dict, optional): Metadata to associate with the signature request

ux_version (int): UX version, either 1 (default) or 2.

A SignatureRequest object
send_signature_request_embedded(test_mode=False, client_id=None, files=None, file_urls=None, title=None, subject=None, message=None, signing_redirect_url=None, signers=None, cc_email_addresses=None, form_fields_per_document=None, use_text_tags=False, hide_text_tags=False, metadata=None, ux_version=None)

Creates and sends a new SignatureRequest with the submitted documents

Creates a new SignatureRequest with the submitted documents to be signed in an embedded iFrame . If form_fields_per_document is not specified, a signature page will be affixed where all signers will be required to add their signature, signifying their agreement to all contained documents. Note that embedded signature requests can only be signed in embedded iFrames whereas normal signature requests can only be signed on HelloSign.


test_mode (bool, optional): Whether this is a test, the signature request will not be legally binding if set to True. Defaults to False.

client_id (str): Client id of the app you’re using to create this embedded signature request. Visit the embedded page to learn more about this parameter (https://www.hellosign.com/api/embeddedSigningWalkthrough)

files (list of str): The uploaded file(s) to send for signature

file_urls (list of str): URLs of the file for HelloSign to download to send for signature. Use either files or file_urls

title (str, optional): The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest

subject (str, optional): The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers

message (str, optional): The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers

signing_redirect_url (str, optional): The URL you want the signer redirected to after they successfully sign.

signers (list of dict): A list of signers, which each has the following attributes:

name (str): The name of the signer email_address (str): Email address of the signer order (str, optional): The order the signer is required to sign in pin (str, optional): The 4- to 12-character access code that will secure this signer’s signature page

cc_email_addresses (list, optional): A list of email addresses that should be CCed

form_fields_per_document (str): The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as a serialized JSON data structure which is a list of lists of the form fields. Please refer to the API reference of HelloSign for more details (https://www.hellosign.com/api/reference#SignatureRequest)

use_text_tags (bool, optional): Use text tags in the provided file(s) to create form fields

hide_text_tags (bool, optional): Hide text tag areas

metadata (dict, optional): Metadata to associate with the signature request

ux_version (int): UX version, either 1 (default) or 2.

A SignatureRequest object
send_signature_request_embedded_with_template(test_mode=False, client_id=None, template_id=None, template_ids=None, title=None, subject=None, message=None, signing_redirect_url=None, signers=None, ccs=None, custom_fields=None, metadata=None, ux_version=None)

Creates and sends a new SignatureRequest based off of a Template

Creates a new SignatureRequest based on the given Template to be signed in an embedded iFrame. Note that embedded signature requests can only be signed in embedded iFrames whereas normal signature requests can only be signed on HelloSign.


test_mode (bool, optional): Whether this is a test, the signature request will not be legally binding if set to True. Defaults to False.

client_id (str): Client id of the app you’re using to create this embedded signature request. Visit the embedded page to learn more about this parameter (https://www.hellosign.com/api/embeddedSigningWalkthrough)

template_id (str): The id of the Template to use when creating the SignatureRequest. Mutually exclusive with template_ids.

template_ids (list): The ids of the Templates to use when creating the SignatureRequest. Mutually exclusive with template_id.

title (str, optional): The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest

subject (str, optional): The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers

message (str, optional): The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers

signing_redirect_url (str, optional): The URL you want the signer redirected to after they successfully sign.

signers (list of dict): A list of signers, which each has the following attributes:

name (str): The name of the signer email_address (str): Email address of the signer pin (str, optional): The 4- to 12-character access code that will secure this signer’s signature page

ccs (list of dict, optional): The email address of the CC filling the role of RoleName. Required when a CC role exists for the Template. Each dict has the following attributes:

role_name (str): CC role name email_address (str): CC email address

custom_fields (list of dict, optional): A list of custom fields. Required when a CustomField exists in the Template. An item of the list should look like this: {‘name: value’}

metadata (dict, optional): Metadata to associate with the signature request

ux_version (int): UX version, either 1 (default) or 2.

A SignatureRequest object of the newly created Signature Request
send_signature_request_with_template(test_mode=False, template_id=None, template_ids=None, title=None, subject=None, message=None, signing_redirect_url=None, signers=None, ccs=None, custom_fields=None, metadata=None, ux_version=None)

Creates and sends a new SignatureRequest based off of a Template

Creates and sends a new SignatureRequest based off of the Template specified with the template_id parameter.


test_mode (bool, optional): Whether this is a test, the signature request will not be legally binding if set to True. Defaults to False.

template_id (str): The id of the Template to use when creating the SignatureRequest. Mutually exclusive with template_ids.

template_ids (list): The ids of the Templates to use when creating the SignatureRequest. Mutually exclusive with template_id.

title (str, optional): The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest

subject (str, optional): The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers

message (str, optional): The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers

signing_redirect_url (str, optional): The URL you want the signer redirected to after they successfully sign.

signers (list of dict): A list of signers, which each has the following attributes:

role_name (str): Signer role name (str): The name of the signer email_address (str): Email address of the signer pin (str, optional): The 4- to 12-character access code that will secure this signer’s signature page

ccs (list of str, optional): The email address of the CC filling the role of RoleName. Required when a CC role exists for the Template. Each dict has the following attributes:

role_name (str): CC role name email_address (str): CC email address

custom_fields (list of dict, optional): A list of custom fields. Required when a CustomField exists in the Template. An item of the list should look like this: {‘name: value’}

metadata (dict, optional): Metadata to associate with the signature request

ux_version (int): UX version, either 1 (default) or 2.

A SignatureRequest object
update_account_info(*args, **kwargs)

Make a Resource instance

update_team_name(*args, **kwargs)

Make a Resource instance


Verify whether a HelloSign Account exists


email_address (str): Email address for the account to verify
True or False
version = '3.8.5'

hellosign_sdk.test_hsclient module

Module contents